Saturday, January 21, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Creatine Max
I am all for giving horses and dogs the best supplements possible because we know their food is not always the highest quality. Even though we may pay a higher price thinking we are getting quality dog food there has been more concern lately about the origin of the ingredients. And because the fields we get our hay from may not have the nutrients that is required. I only recommend the very best grade supplement, tested and proven pharmaceutical grade Creatine Max.
This supplement supports the phosphocreatine levels because once they are depleted the muscles ability to contract at 100% efficiency is no longer available. Low phosphocreatine level also can effect the energy production levels. When sufficient levels of phosphocreatine are available to the muscles your horse will be able to work for longer periods of time with depletion.
It also beneficial for the regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that is stored in the cells of muscles and used as an energy source for the contraction of the cells. Creatine phosphate regenerates ATP by donating one of its phosphate molecules to an ADP molecule. In many equine disciplines having strength and sustainability increased by 5 - 10 second can make a huge difference in the end result of the race or event. Muscles have about 4 - 5 second of ATP available for maximum contraction and with creatine phosphate you can expect an additional 4 - 5 seconds of muscle strength through contractions.
Creatine aids in recovery too because it delays the burning of glucose, glycogen and finally fatty acids as the fuel source of the muscle. Glucose is added to this formula to accelerate absorption and preserving valuable protein stores while the addition of carbohydrates ensures creatine is delivery to the muscle cells.
If you are involved as a dressage rider, a jumper, cross country rider or barrel racer and expect a high level of performance from your horse please look further into how Creatine Max can support your horse and give you a competitive edge for your event.
creatine max,
creatine phosphocreatine
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Biomax
So far we have covered some interesting nutritional requirement or ideas
about how supplementation can help horse performance. Today I want to
cover the benefits of a formula called Biomax that includes hyaluronic
acid, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, vitamins c and e, zinc, manganese,
copper, alpha lipoic acid and boswellia extract.
Biomax is a natural joint lubricant and rejuvenator that is formulated in perfect proportions for the best advantage for your horse. Here is a short description for each ingredients included in this formula.
Hyaluronic Acid
HA is a component of collagen that attracts water to the synovial fluid and lubricates the joints by creating a protective layer that reduces friction. This relieves inflammation and pain by improving joint function and is enhanced when used with anti-oxidants like vitamin c, vitamin e, and alpha lopic acid.
Chondroitin Sulfate
Chondroitin sulfate works great with Glucosamine and MSM to replenish collagen and other components to build cartilage. It promotes enhanced joint function, elasticity and the cushioning that is needed to withstand stress and protects collagen while supplying material for the production of new cartilage.
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lipoic Acid are powerful antioxidants aid in the bioavailability of the other ingredients in the formula. Antioxidants reduce the pain of arthritis by aiding in the control of inflammation.
Trace Minerals
Zinc, Copper and Manganese are micronutrients essential for proper function of many enzyme systems and plays a part in formulating keratin and collagen. It is critical to maintain a 3:1 zinc:copper ratio to sustain optimum absorption. Zinc is the essential mineral for the formation of connective tissue. Often manganese is at low levels in most equine diets and copper deficiency can play a role in the development of arthritis, tendon and ligament problems.
Boswellia Extract
Boswellia is know to open up callateral blood circulation to provide adequate blood flow which helps maintain mobility and reduce pain due to stiffness.
This formula has been very effective for jumpers, racers, cross country eventing and many other equine sports and working horses alike. The formula that I suggest has no fillers, no junks - just pure ingredients and is available at Equine Nutrition.ca
Biomax is a natural joint lubricant and rejuvenator that is formulated in perfect proportions for the best advantage for your horse. Here is a short description for each ingredients included in this formula.
Hyaluronic Acid
HA is a component of collagen that attracts water to the synovial fluid and lubricates the joints by creating a protective layer that reduces friction. This relieves inflammation and pain by improving joint function and is enhanced when used with anti-oxidants like vitamin c, vitamin e, and alpha lopic acid.
Chondroitin Sulfate
Chondroitin sulfate works great with Glucosamine and MSM to replenish collagen and other components to build cartilage. It promotes enhanced joint function, elasticity and the cushioning that is needed to withstand stress and protects collagen while supplying material for the production of new cartilage.
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lipoic Acid are powerful antioxidants aid in the bioavailability of the other ingredients in the formula. Antioxidants reduce the pain of arthritis by aiding in the control of inflammation.
Trace Minerals
Zinc, Copper and Manganese are micronutrients essential for proper function of many enzyme systems and plays a part in formulating keratin and collagen. It is critical to maintain a 3:1 zinc:copper ratio to sustain optimum absorption. Zinc is the essential mineral for the formation of connective tissue. Often manganese is at low levels in most equine diets and copper deficiency can play a role in the development of arthritis, tendon and ligament problems.
Boswellia Extract
Boswellia is know to open up callateral blood circulation to provide adequate blood flow which helps maintain mobility and reduce pain due to stiffness.
This formula has been very effective for jumpers, racers, cross country eventing and many other equine sports and working horses alike. The formula that I suggest has no fillers, no junks - just pure ingredients and is available at Equine Nutrition.ca
horse nutrition,
hyaluronic acid,
joint lubricant,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Carbo-Force
Carbo-Force is a balanced glycogen loading system that supports horses
that are involved in endurance, eventing, roping, racing and jumping. It
will not cause an insulin spike so it's great for pre-race equine
supplementation. Carbo-Force is easily digested and has a slow release
complex carbohydrate source which is also a low glycemic index
carbohydrate. Having sufficient glycogen level prior to endurance events
has been shown to dramatically improve sports performance during long
term work or high speed evening and racing. Supply of carbohydrate
stores are critical for working horses because muscles depleted of
glycogen stop functioning properly.
The ingredients include:
Carbohydrates from maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate derived from enzyme hydolysis of wheat which produces glucose polymers, fructose, glucose.
Thiamine Vitamin B1
Thiamine enhances circulation and assists in blood formation and carbohydrate metabolism. It support energy production, growth and normal appetite, as well as, learning capacity. It is needed for muscle tone of the intestines, stomach and heart. Thiamine is an antioxidant and deficiency can show itself as laboured breathing, nervousness, general weakness, sore muscles and weight loss.
Chromium Citrate
Chromium is an essential trace mineral in the metabolism of glucose and maintain stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization and is vital in the synthesis of fats and proteins. A lack of chromium will jeopardize normal blood sugar levels. It also promotes an increase in lean muscle tissue.
Helping to support health in our equine athletics is a part of care and ownership. Especially when we are asking for peak performance. This product is pure and no fillers or junk are added. I share this information because I love and respect horses and their owners. Also, I don't want to see anyone waste time and money using an inferior product. This link will take you to the Carbo-Force balanced glycogen loading system.
The ingredients include:
Carbohydrates from maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate derived from enzyme hydolysis of wheat which produces glucose polymers, fructose, glucose.
Thiamine Vitamin B1
Thiamine enhances circulation and assists in blood formation and carbohydrate metabolism. It support energy production, growth and normal appetite, as well as, learning capacity. It is needed for muscle tone of the intestines, stomach and heart. Thiamine is an antioxidant and deficiency can show itself as laboured breathing, nervousness, general weakness, sore muscles and weight loss.
Chromium Citrate
Chromium is an essential trace mineral in the metabolism of glucose and maintain stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization and is vital in the synthesis of fats and proteins. A lack of chromium will jeopardize normal blood sugar levels. It also promotes an increase in lean muscle tissue.
Helping to support health in our equine athletics is a part of care and ownership. Especially when we are asking for peak performance. This product is pure and no fillers or junk are added. I share this information because I love and respect horses and their owners. Also, I don't want to see anyone waste time and money using an inferior product. This link will take you to the Carbo-Force balanced glycogen loading system.
equine nutrition,
glycogen loading,
horse endurance
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Brewers Yeast
Brewer's yeast used as an equine supplement has several benefits. Brewer’s yeast is a perfect living food that is a complete organism. This natural supplement aid in digestion and assist in the utilization of feed resulting in more nutrient availability from hay and grain. It aids digestion and is an effective source of live yeast culture which is a probiotic that stimulates beneficial micro-organisms within the horse's gut. As well, it helps to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, thereby, promoting gut health. Yeast is also an excellent source of B vitamins, which are co-factors in carbohydrate metabolism and energy production, improving performance. Yeasts highly palatable for horses.
Loaded with proteins, minerals (particularly chromium) and vitamins (B complex), and essential amino acids brewers yeast is a valuable food packed with great value to the horses physiology. Brewer’s yeast is very rich in nucleic acid, which is a basic element in cell development which attributes to retarding the aging process. It is the best nutritional source of chromium and a naturally occurring B vitamin which is essential for carbohydrate metabolism.
These factors help maintain proper nerve functioning, and support a healthy response to stress. Some studies suggest the supplementation with brewer's yeast can accelerate the healing time for cuts and similar injuries.
All round value is found in this supplement. As you can see it supports and stimulates gut function as well as promoting horse energy and health - so necessary for the competitive riding and steed. Luckily this supplement is reasonably prices and highly valued by competitors and breeders alike. Dogs can also benefit from supplementation of brewers yeast.
Loaded with proteins, minerals (particularly chromium) and vitamins (B complex), and essential amino acids brewers yeast is a valuable food packed with great value to the horses physiology. Brewer’s yeast is very rich in nucleic acid, which is a basic element in cell development which attributes to retarding the aging process. It is the best nutritional source of chromium and a naturally occurring B vitamin which is essential for carbohydrate metabolism.
These factors help maintain proper nerve functioning, and support a healthy response to stress. Some studies suggest the supplementation with brewer's yeast can accelerate the healing time for cuts and similar injuries.
All round value is found in this supplement. As you can see it supports and stimulates gut function as well as promoting horse energy and health - so necessary for the competitive riding and steed. Luckily this supplement is reasonably prices and highly valued by competitors and breeders alike. Dogs can also benefit from supplementation of brewers yeast.
brewer's yeast,
energy production,
equine supplement
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Thiamine (B-1)
When talking about sport performance horse requirements Thiamine is a water soluble vitamin essentials for horse health. Thiamine is Vitamin B-1 and is important in the body's metabolic cycle for breaking down glucose and carbohydrates to create energy. It has other functions too of course like facilitating digestion of fats and proteins. It has the same function in horses and dogs as it does for humans. It supports a healthy nervous system which includes brain, muscle and heart function. It is valuable for its calming effect on the horse. Also helpful to assist the immune system and improve the body's ability to withstand stressful conditions such as competition and endurance runs.
A deficiency of Vitamin B-1 while rare, can show up a loss of appetite, general weakness and overall lethargy. Loss of energy, mental impairment and wasting muscles can also be a sign of this deficiency. Thiamine is susceptible to damage or degeneration by being subjected to heat. Care should be taken with regard to storing and buying feed that you are told contains thiamine because it can be destroyed through processing or poor storage. In which case supplementation is recommended. Be sure when supplementing with Thiamine you are getting the best quality products from a company that stands behind its name.
sport performance requirements,
vitamin b
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Bioflavonoids
Bioflavonoids are generally from citrus fruit sources and they include Rutin, Hesperidin, Catechins, and Quercetin. They have been shown to be anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, and promote structure and function in the circulatory system.
Bioflavonoids help form collagen in connective tissue, heal wounds, maintain healthy blood vessels, avert capillary bleeding and support a healthy immune system.
Bioflavonoids have other health benefits too as a result of their anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-allergenic effects.
With all the "anti" words to describe these plant based flavonoids you can see why so many people use it to support horse and dog health.
Especially if you are competing and working your horse it just seems like a good idea to make sure your steed has good connective tissue, good recovery and strong blood vessels. Pure nutrition is not only great for us but reduces the vet bills too!
equine nutrition,
horse health
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Pure Pee Pollen
These series is related our our equine friends and partners. We will look at various horse and dog supplements or minerals that support health and stamina. Just like us, animals need to have their food intake supplemented with certain minerals that are not in their food. When horses could roam the prairies and forage for wild herbs and greens they had a better chance of getting the necessary minerals but today their food does not always contain the needed ingredients.
Bee pollen is very useful for allergies, runny eyes, to build the immune system and support against fatigue. It builds resistance to stressful situations like eventing, competition, endurance, working and sport events.
There are concentrated plant nutrients in Bee Pollen and these thousands of phyonutrients are called bioflavoniods, organic esters and carotenoids. One main function is that they function as antioxidants which inhibit the oxidation reactions that can produce free radicals that damage cells.
Bee pollen contains enzymes that help with the gut of the horse assisting in digestion and energy production. Some experts say that Bee Pollen has all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements, and protein needed to sustain life.
At any rate Bee Pollen helps support endurance, stamina and health in general. Bee Pollen is used for horses, dogs and of course people are the best known users of Bee Pollen for health reasons.
Come back to this blog or follow this link for more great info on horse and dog supplements.
bee pollen,
horse supplement,
immune support
Sunday, January 1, 2012
My Body My Planet
My Body My Planet is a blog for all topics related to our physical, emotion, energetic bodies and the environment of our larger planetary body that sustains us a humans, the earth.
A video that speaks to me is from Carl Sagan and I include it here for your enjoyment.
I hope you feel inspired to join us with your thoughts and dreams as you read the topics we explore on this journey of life, light and love.
Blessing and love,
A video that speaks to me is from Carl Sagan and I include it here for your enjoyment.
I hope you feel inspired to join us with your thoughts and dreams as you read the topics we explore on this journey of life, light and love.
Blessing and love,
Carl Sagan,
our body our planet,
Our little blue dot
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