Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Equine and Canine Nutritional Supplements Explained - Carbo-Force

Carbo-Force is a balanced glycogen loading system that supports horses that are involved in endurance, eventing, roping, racing and jumping. It will not cause an insulin spike so it's great for pre-race equine supplementation. Carbo-Force is easily digested and has a slow release complex carbohydrate source which is also a low glycemic index carbohydrate. Having sufficient glycogen level prior to endurance events has been shown to dramatically improve sports performance during long term work or high speed evening and racing. Supply of carbohydrate stores are critical for working horses because muscles depleted of glycogen stop functioning properly.

The ingredients include:
Carbohydrates from maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate derived from enzyme hydolysis of wheat which produces glucose polymers, fructose, glucose.

Thiamine Vitamin B1
Thiamine enhances circulation and assists in blood formation and carbohydrate metabolism. It support energy production, growth and normal appetite, as well as, learning capacity. It is needed for muscle tone of the intestines, stomach and heart. Thiamine is an antioxidant and deficiency can show itself as laboured breathing, nervousness, general weakness, sore muscles and weight loss.

Chromium Citrate
Chromium is an essential  trace mineral in the metabolism of glucose and maintain stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization and is vital in the synthesis of fats and proteins. A lack of chromium will jeopardize normal blood sugar levels. It also promotes an increase in lean muscle tissue.

Helping to support health in our equine athletics is a part of care and ownership. Especially when we are asking for peak performance. This product is pure and no fillers or junk are added. I share this information because I love and respect horses and their owners. Also, I don't want to see anyone waste time and money using an inferior product. This link will take you to the Carbo-Force balanced glycogen loading system.